I've really struggled with what to name this post, I wanted it to be something to invite a reader in but also to jog my memory when my memory is nearly gone. (at this rate it could be any day, I put milk in the cabinet for Pete Sakes)
The most surprising thing about my two children is the bond they have formed. I, of course, hoped they would love each other, but I never imagined what it would really be like. And I'm not even sure I can put it into words. But I'm going to try.
B-man met Little M when she was six days old for the first time. It was frigid here in the greater Arkansas area as I waited for my husband to bring my son. He walked in bundled from head to toe in his red (firehouse) coat. "Hi MOMMY, is that my sister? Do we get to take her home?" First of all, imagine being his age and Mommy disappears, not once, but twice, and the second time mommy's belly is gone and there is a little baby sitting in her lap. Plus, he hadn't seen me in a while. He was so great, wanting to love and hug (of course we had to limit that) and no question that she was ours.
So, yeah, he loved her BUT she really LOVES him. Just this morning we were playing cars on B-mans playmat, she was in her lilac Bumbo, he was zooming below with all his cars. Little hands grabbed at the funny looking colorful things and he didn't flinch. "Here you go sis." Her eyes intent on his every move, darting to and fro.
She gets her hands on him every second she can and she literally jumps for joy when he gets near.
From the very beginning her interest in her brother have amazed me. It's a wonderful blessing to say "Honey, talk to your sister while mommy loads the dishwasher." Of course she loves and watches me, that goes without saying. But I'm just her food source compared to her brother. Just tonight, B-man came in while I was nursing her before bed "Mommy, can I hug sister." and that's when I saw it, another glimpse of what I hope and pray will last. In the dark of our living room, Little M stops nursing and turns to her brother, they look at each other and hug, then a gentle kiss to the top of her head. (Oh my, I feel a tear coming on) "Night Mommy, I love you. Love you to siss. Awe, mommy, she's so sweet *kiss*"
What a sweet post! I hope that God will bless us again someday with another sweet child so that I can share in the joy you are experiencing as you watch your kids bond. Good post!