ER visit, walk-in visit, paralyzing. That describes my past couple of days. I want to be positive, so, I'll say it could be worse. I'd been doing really well with my anxiety/depression, no major breakdowns. Then, all of the sudden, after a major blessing (where's the trigger)things started to crash.
I had B-man's parent-teacher conference.
I spent sometime with the kids playing outside at a friend's house.
I got called for an interview this coming Tuesday.
Got to go shopping for B-man's Halloween Costume.
That night things started going down hill. I was all of the sudden rigid, couldn't loosen up, lost motor control in my right foot and right hand. I was walking like I was in pain. But I wasn't. I was just very uncomfortable.
I had a break-down from trying to hold it together for so long. I couldn't figure out if I was having anxiety because of the symptoms or symptoms because of the anxiety. I went to a walk-in and the doctor there informed me I should be at the hospital, but she gave me some medicine and sent me on my way.
The medicine did nothing except make my mouth water.
I went to church, listened to several of my friends ask what was wrong even though I was really trying to hide it. But felt better after some great worship and a wonderful sermon. I even got my kids dressed for Halloween and took them with my husband to the festival. Also went trick or treating. Slept okay that night thanks to melatonin.
I called my psychologist for a referral to a psychiatrist. I got into the clinic today and my awesome husband took off to go with me. Well, once I got there the clinician quickly said I needed to be in the ER. So, off to the ER with the clinician. The doctor there said it looked like I was having a side effect of something. They gave me a shot to loosen my muscles without having a side effect, so, I was able to drive myself home. I feel a little better, not totally like I would like though. He also gave me a prescription of a medicine to eliminate my body of the toxins that may be causing this. And now I am supposed to make a follow up with a NeuroPsychiatrist. Here is where I am. Here is where I'll be. At the same time my Lord and Savior can heal this or use it to His Glory. So, to Jesus be the Glory. I pray for miraculous healing so that I can be the mom, wife, and woman of God I'm meant to be. I really love our Lord and I'll forever trust in Him.
PS. A positive post coming. I got to meet Kelly Stamps for Kellyskornerblog! Such a blessing.