Monday, May 11, 2009

Not Me Monday

Here is my FIRST entry for 'Not Me Monday' from! I'm so excited, so, here it goes!

I did not put off going to the dentist for the past 4 of my child bearing years. I did not go to the dentist today foolishly hoping that I would maintain my no cavities streak. Only to find out that I have multiple cavities! I was not prescribed a special toothpaste (did you know they have prescription toothpaste?) and had to schedule a time to take care of my teeth. This did not happen to me.

I did not attempt to fill up my daughters bathtub without the stopper in place, which would of course result in a mess all over my kitchen floor! Nope, I didn't do that!

While strolling through my living room with my chunky baby girl whom over course tossed her most recent feeding down my nice clean shirt the first thing that did not come to my mind was 'I'm bringing sexy back'!

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